Silica Lawsuit Settlement

Pre Settlement Financing On Your Silica Lawsuit Settlement

When Silica dust is inhaled, it can scar the lungs and causes the respiratory condition called Silicosis. Silicosis can cause weakness, chest pains, respiratory failure and even lead to death. Also, it has shown that contracting Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or Silicosis and it also makes people more vulnerable to TB or know as Tuberculosis. With that being said Silicosis can develop for 20 years after exposure to the Silica dust.

Ohio and a few other states have been “preparing” and setting medical eligibility guidelines for people who want to file a lawsuit due to Silica exposure. But for some they have to wait until their health problems worsen before they can bring a lawsuit for those who are responsible for their Silica exposure.

For those who are responsible for the silica exposure have been hit with many negligence and product liability lawsuits. These claims might be revolving around the employers failure in taking the proper safety precautions to ensure the safety of their employees with the inhaling of the Silica dust. Also, it might be said that workers did not receive the proper warnings of the Silica dust and the chances of developing Silicosis later in life in cases that it exceeded the OSHA’s safety standards.

Silica is a very common mineral. It is found on many construction sites and is in many materials such as masonry, rock soil concrete and landscaping materials. When drilling or grinding or cutting items that contain Silica it becomes airborne and it only takes a small amount of it to create a major health hazard. HSE commissioned estimates that it was responsible for over five hundred construction workers death in 2005 alone not to mention the risks of lung cancer and other serious lung diseases from Silica.

Pre Settlement Funding On Your Silicosis

At Verum Funding if you have contracted Silicosis we know that this might be a hard time in your life or a hard time for a loved one and that is why we want to help.

If you need pre settlement financing on a Silica lawsuit settlement then we might be able to help. We work with many Silica lawsuit settlement underwriters for pre settlement financing. If you have a lawyer and have already filed your lawsuit then we might be able to help you.

Our pre settlement financing helps you cover day-to-day bills, medical bills or many other costs that you have due to your silicosis and waiting on your Silica lawsuit settlement. Contact us today by filling out the submission form on the  page or call us at  434-535-5229

Let us help you today!
